Model of Religious Education
Religious Education in the contemporary Catholic school comprises two distinct but complementary dimensions – teaching people religion and teaching people to be religious.
Teaching people religion is an educational activity focused on the teaching and learning of religion and utilising a range of learning processes and resources. Teaching people to be religious is identified with the religious life of the school and is a faith development activity focused on nurturing the religious, spiritual and faith growth of students.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, 2015
The staff of Mary Immaculate value the implementation of high-quality teaching and learning. All teachers plan to use the Religious Education Curriculum, launched by Brisbane Catholic Education in 2013.
All teachers are required to deliver 2.5 hours of Religious Education weekly, outside of regular prayer and liturgical celebrations. Teachers receive ongoing support from the APRE to ensure adherence to the curriculum and meaningful teaching. Timetabled collaborative planning with teachers and APRE planning time has been a focus, as stated in the Annual Review. Access to all units of work is provided through the school portal.
A scope and sequence provide direction and clarity for teachers at all year levels. Through their teaching and learning, teachers provide each learner with the opportunity to achieve.