Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School is a community of children, families and staff that supports the members to be the best we can be and achieve great things together. The school community is culturally diverse, and comes from a variety of backgrounds. Communication is vital to foster relationships that are open, inclusive and based on trust. In providing inclusive and effective communication, we embrace our diversity, thereby promoting and strengthening relationships. At Mary immaculate, we acknowledge that methods of communication are becoming more diverse and digital forms of communication are becoming widely used.
The following forms of communication are used to foster relationships within our community:
Newsletter – The School Newsletter is shared via email to parents/caregivers three times a term. It provides important information and messages for parents/caregivers.
Parent Portal – The Parent Portal is the official ‘information and communication hub’ for the school. It is a secure (password protected) online space for our families to receive important school information. The Parent Portal provides parents with the opportunity to manage and update their family details, access student reporting information, and find all forms and documents needed throughout the school year.
BCE Connect App – BCE Connect provides a platform for parents to securely access school information, making it easier to keep track and stay in touch. The App integrates with our Public Website and Parent Portal. BCE Connect works on both Apple and Android devices and is available to download free from the App Store or Google Play. Simply “favourite” Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School to receive push notifications direct from the school as well as badges to identify new items (newsletters, documents and events). It is a quick and easy way to report student absences. There is also now a feature which allows you to add school events to your personal calendar.

©Brisbane Catholic Education (2023)
SMS –The school uses an SMS service to send out important reminders and attendance alerts to parents.
Facebook - Our Facebook page is up and running. Please like and share our posts. We look forward to sharing more of our day to day happenings at school!
Email –The school uses and encourages parents to use email as an efficient form of communication. Teachers, and other relevant staff members, will respond appropriately within 48 hours. Teachers are not in a position to read and reply to emails during the school day. Parents are asked to contact the school office if there is a need for urgent communication.
Term Overviews of Learning – At the beginning of each term an Overview of Learning for the term is shared on the Parent Portal. This overview provides parents with clarity and direction in regard to the planned learning for their child.